
Hey there! I'm Co. Welcome to my little corner of the world (or Internet. Same thing 🤷🏻‍♀️). I'm grateful to have you here. 

While you're here, check out the Blog for tips on how to systematize, info on my favorite tools, ideas to help you manage and scale your business, and more. 

Or browse the freebies on the Free Stuff page. 

And of course, if you're ready to focus on what you do best (coaching, leading, inspiring!) and forget the rest, head to my Work With Me page to find out how I can manage your business for you, or click the button below to schedule a time to chat.  

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Simple SOPs

Has this ever happened to you? 

You land a new client (yay!) but you scramble to remember what you sent and how you set up your last client (boo) 

You get ready to launch, but you spend waaay too much time creating promotional posts and setting up sales pages. 

When it comes to tasks you do regularly, there's a much easier way. 

It starts with having good SOPs in place.

Leveled Up Launches

You're great at coming up with programs and offer ideas.

Getting out in the world and making sales… not as much. 

Do you find yourself caught up in:

What do I do? 
What do I say?
How do I get people to act?

Customer Service Queen

If your client’s payment fails, what will you do?

What if they’ve gone through your program and suddenly say they want their money back? How will you respond? 

How prepared are you to deal with customer inquiries, customer complaints, or even everyday questions?

As an online entrepreneur, customer service is just part of your job. 

Ready to Outsource?

"Am I ready to delegate?" 

"Can I afford to delegate?" 

"Omg, where would I even start?" 

Does any of this run through your head when you think about outsourcing? 

I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s because you’re looking at it as an expense, and not as an investment. 

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